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Emergent Literacy
Olivia James

Rationale: This lesson helps students learn the vowel correspondence /ch/=CH. To be able to read, children need to understand spellings and word map pronunciations. In this lesson students will be able to recognize and spell words containing ch. They will learn a meaningful respresentation (hand to mouth making 'ch ch ch' chipmunk noise.) This lesson also includes a letterbox lesson and two songs so they can practice saying ch.


Materials: Primary paper and pencil. Picture of Charlie the chimp muck eating chocolate. Songs with the ch sound (attached). Music sticks for each student. Words cards with CHECK, CHAT, CHIMP, CHANGE. Students will also do a /ch/ worksheet. find this


Procedures: 1. This lesson is important because it is hard to be able to tell what sounds two letters make together. The teacher will say: “make the ch sound” we are going to watch how the mouth moves when we make this sound. Let’s say “CHarlie the CHipmunk eats CHocolate.” How did your mouth move? Let’s do it slow. (do this as a class together)

2. Teacher says: When a chipmunk eats it hold its hands up to its mouth. Tongue tickler spelled out on poster paper. Teacher says: Let’s pretend we are an eating chipmunk. (hold hands up and pretend to eat). See how your tongue goes to the roof of your mouth and your teeth do not touch?

3. Teacher says: We are going to find the “ch” in a new word. “catch.” Let’s say it slow so we can find the “ch.” cccc-aaaa-tttt-cchhhh. Hear it? Is it at the beginning or the end? Where was your tongue when you heard “ch?”

4. Tongue Tickler: Charlie is a small little animal. He is a chipmunk. Charlie really loves to eat chocolate, even though he knows that is is not allowed to without asking his mom. He sneaks it anyway though hoping his mom does not catch him so Charlie the Chipmunk eats Chocolate. 

Teacher says: (after reading tickler) Let’s say the tickler three times. Now, we want to say it again while stretching out the ch sound and make our chipmunk eating hand gesture. 

5. Get out the primary paper. Have students write “ch” 10 times. Teacher says: Let’s write “ch” first you are going to start with the c on the rooftop and draw half of a circle all the way past the fence and down to the sidewalk. Everyone show me your c! Now lets draw nine more as pretty as possible. 

6. Teacher is going to choose students to pick the words that have the ch sound in them. Example words: Is ch in- chalk or sidewalk? cut or chop?  change or same? chew or swallow? branch or tree? Teacher says: what words do you hear your mouth move to make the ch sound? Eat like a chipmunk when you hear the sound. 

7. Teacher says: Do you like chocolate? I know a super fun song about ch ch chocolate, just like Charlie the Chipmunk likes to eat! Let's sing it and see all the different types of chocolate that it has. Sing the “I choose chocolate” song to and with students. Teacher says: "That's not the only song! This song is about a bad hair day. Have you ever had a bad hair day? Johnny sure dud, he got something stuck in his hair! What could it be? Lets learn the words to find out" They will also sing the “Bad Hair Day” song. Students are going to have sticks they bang together whenever they hear the “ch” sound in the song. 

8. Use words such as: chalk and walk. chuckle and buckle. chili and millie. chore and bore. With these words have students decide which ones start with ch between the rhyming words. Teacher says: I am going to read you some words and you can decide which one has the ch sound in this word. Think about your chipmunk eating. Make the hand gesture if you need too. 

Assessment: Students will do a worksheet and color in the ch words inside of the large ch. Then, they will write out all of the words that they colored in. Students will finish and talk in groups about the words that they colored in while teacher walks around to make sure they got all of them right and are having intelligent conversations. 


lesson plan similar to this one: Megan Johnson, Stomping like a Dinosaur with D.



Charlie the Chipmunk says Ch Ch Ch 

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